We all know how much idols love to communicate and interact with their fans. During fansigns, fan meetings, and other events, idols do not miss the opportunity to talk to their fans. Even during interviews or TV shows, K-Pop idols enjoy sharing their stories and advice. But while all idols like a little talking time, some idols could consider talking as one of their hobby given how talkative they are.

Boys or girls, we all know one idol who is so talkative it feels like they never stop talking. It is both a cute and funny trait of their personality that makes them who they are. They are often the mood-maker or the happy virus of the group because their talking sets the atmosphere of the whole group. Let's see who are those 6 very talkative K-Pop idols.


1. ONEUS' KeonHee

Talk the Talk: 6 Charming K-Pop Idols Who Love to Chat


KeonHee is known for being ONEUS' most talkative member. If you have never seen ONEUS' content, you might not think KeonHee is that talkative, yet all fans agree on that point. Whether it is during live, TV shows or else, KeonHee is often the first and last one to talk. Because he is comfortable with chatting with people and sharing his emotions, it makes it easier for him to talk with people.


2. Cha Woon