3 Reasons To Watch Mystery K-Drama "My Perfect Stranger"


Every week we're treated to a never-ending collection of new K-Drama episodes from multiple broadcasting stations. They cover a wide variety of genres from hilarious romantic comedies to genuine slow burns. There's a drama that suits everyone's taste just waiting to be watched and talked about. A new drama has joined the ongoing list of shows called "My Perfect Stranger". The KBS drama employs Kim DongWook and Jin KiJoo as its main leads.

"My Perfect Stranger" is a riveting mystery K-Drama. The series follows news anchor, Yoon HaeJoon (Kim DongWook), as he finds a car that can travel through time. He ends up discovering a shocking truth and in order to change his ill-fated future, he heads back to the past to find a criminal that has eluded capture for decades. Baek YoonYoung (Jin KiJoo) crosses HaeJoon's path and the two end up in the year 1987. Although YoonYoung has a different motive in mind, the two soon discover that their objectives are oddly connected.

"My Perfect Stranger" has almost reached its halfway mark, but there's still so much left to unpack.

Here are some reasons why you should start watching this nail-biting series right away!


1. Nostalgic Time Travel

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