If you have been following Korean news, "Nth Room" case has sparked the anger of the country.
The "Nth Room" is a chat room on the app Telegram with 260,000 perpetrators who are paying and/or sharing content involving sexual slavery and sexual crimes. The head of this is named "Baksa/Doctor" (username), he has tricked and blackmailed around 70 girls aged between 11 to sexual slavery, mutilation, rape, and more horrifying things. If you are interested to read more about the case refers to the links at the end of the article.
The head has been arrested. The case is under investigation. President Moon JaeIn will make sure the investigation is done thoroughly.
Celebrities have taken their social media accounts to spread awareness on the issue and gather more signatures for the petitions asking for: reveal the personal information and photos of the 260,000 perpetrators (you can sign here - it is currently 2,331,852), reveal the personal information of the 260,000 perpetrators (you can sign here - it is currently 1,623,438), punishment of all the 260,000 members (you can sign hereย - it is currently 413,561), and more. For your information, you can sign the petitions even if you are over
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