11 K-Pop Idols Whose Workout Videos Will Motivate You to Hit the Gym

MinHyuk's official Instagram / Men's Health

There are a lot of attractive qualities that make us all fall in love with and appreciate K-Pop idols. Asides from songs, performances, and even comedic attributes, fitness and working out have become other features we can very well affix to K-Pop idols today. Known for their impressive physiques and body forms, many K-Pop idols have earned the respect of global fans for their dedication and commitment to staying in shape despite their rigorous and busy schedules.

Every now and then, there are some idols who treat fans with videos or pictures of their fitness programs and physique update. Showing off their impressive routines which have led to their amazing physical appearance, these idols do not just evoke a reaction of awe and admiration from fans but perhaps also make us all want to book a full-year plan at the nearest gym if for a chance we would look like them.

From toned to buff here are some of the male idols whose workout videos will motivate you to hit the gym.


1. WonHo

WonHo and fitness are like 5 and 6, they just go together. Like Greek theologists, we have sung high praises about WonHo's impeccable physique for years now and we will continue to do so for the unfores

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