Top 10 Science Fiction K-Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist


Although K-Dramas are often rooted in fiction, there are small instances of reality that creep into the plotline, making various scenes comfortingly relatable. But there are times when the fiction of a drama is so compelling that you cannot help but remain at the edge of your seat and become absorbed into its reality.

While there is an influx of heart-fluttering romance and heartbreaking slow burn, sometimes an immersive science fiction drama hits best. Sci-fi K-Dramas move well away from the line of reality and fiction, presenting a world entirely separate from the one we know. Over the years, production companies have proven the great allure of a good sci-fi drama, providing fantastical and futuristic elements that blows viewers mind from start to finish.

For K-Drama fans looking to watch more series like this, we've compiled a list of science fiction dramas that will transport you to another world and spice up your watchlist.

Note: This list is made in no specific order.


1. "Sisyphus: The Myth"

Top 10 Science Fiction K-Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist


Cast: Park ShinHye, Cho SeungWoo, and more

Summary:ย Kang SeoHae travels back in time to protect certified genius Han TaeSul in an attempt to prevent the start of a tragic, life-altering war. Although apprehensive at first, the two eventually combine their efforts and work together to establish a new, bright future.

Watch Because:ย Time travel, futuristic machines, and a post-apocalyptic timeline that seems far removed from reality as we know it. "Sisyphus: The Myth" is a textbook example of what a sci-fi K-Drama should be. On top of an immersive universe, the thrilling ac

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